



mardi 10 janvier 2012

Democracy Spring: a second revolution or revolution sustainable?

Question from the judge? Not interested in the culture of the Renaissance throw intellectual independence, as far as he was the concerns of intellectuals to defend independence-Walid, who was beset with the West's attempts to rebound it, and scaled, and control over the management of indirect ways.
After planting Israel in the flank of the geographical body of Levantine, he felt that the future generation of independence has become the region as a whole depend on the developments of the new conflict imposed on the overall geographical threatened occupation of Arab neglect, coercion, or the type of settler colonialism entrusted to his command of international Zionism. This means that the Arab countries small, newly established post-World War II, find themselves forced to fight a battle of defense is not all entities of the constitutional, but also the land of their own home, colonialism settler who was kidnapped two thirds Palestinian soil repellent majority of its indigenous people, will not build a state of Israel in order to This control of Palestinian territories alone, but as a military base racist nature of certain Jewish community, exercising hegemony transparent to the widest geographical area of ​​the Arab seem to open the border and dams before the latest invasion of mass comes the twentieth century past.
The invasion of human strangers are not only an introduction to the invasion of influence and domination over the growing community on the circumference of the Earth the first hijacked. Thus received a generation of independence era of neo-colonialism, imposing a general feeling that the difference in the colonization from its predecessor described a military occupation of the homelands of others, is that it is based primarily on the basis of cancellation of the other, that the national original, which should disappear physically morally together, or morally at least, about the interest usurping intruder.
I have spent the Arabs make up about half a century of life of independence today, and they are fighting wars to defend the same breath, as they understand the rights of legitimacy human being is the driving force mobilized the masses of the various movements and coups, meta-or sub-class of successive internally, and with it a series of losing wars with Israel and its allies perspectives or Almtuaren.
There were not notice what the political thought and not Alsaasi floating with these variables, allowing the development of serious questions focused on the structures inside the community entities to independence, so that the distance to distance, from the pressures of the outside; rarely think about the generation of independence Bdoakhlh self Valthhid all the build-up of cultural and ideological mortgagee only challenges (the enemy) and imaginary conspiracies correct and what is less than the first and second on the contrary mislead (condemn the plot) is common.
This view may be valid to the past as a signal detector for the present bet. The community became the home is in the process of occupation of the priority, not thinking or theoretical interest, but also that preceded the great experimentation on the ground, jump as a question: Who rules? To the forefront of action and reflection that is both .. This question about the ruling also includes the question of the ruled. Both together bear the tasks of change in the recent past, the two together also became them to Asanaa, opposite course, so far, surprises the new dawn; we have received we are together, the ruler and the ruled, the largest and perhaps the greatest surprise; surprised us, Arabs, Brabiena by others, close relatives and Alabaadin, if we did not consider that the shock comes days, we are not unprepared, here are preceded us to engage our fans in the midst. Announcements by our fans is that they are young are ready to die for another life altogether. She asks the living death, against their mortal death is experiencing.
Suddenly Rabiena to ourselves first is that the cavities are not choked deserts oil-black, only, perhaps full of oases as well as the underlying Benaabie; Are not we all responsible for the policy of buried landfill oasis for digging wells and black poison alone. Oil is not a state with a population confined to the few who were numbered. The (We), the Arabs, Muljohn are all in the folds of the three letters. May know the writing, but we do not know grammar and practical discharged on our vocabulary. Affairs of our daily lives is left for trivial coincidences narrow house, and street pollution, and the office and too Banakp bribes, forgery and vulgar hypocrisy.
Who Governs? Is no longer a question directed to the medieval feudal lord who sits at the top of the pyramid. Our question now for us and about us, we who we offered on our shoulders, and letting tens of years is running out, and destroys our morality, and distorts our renaissance, and makes a valuable Osavlna Oaalina. The agency did not snatch us by force. We forget that we are silent on the ninety-nine lie Dhora immemorial, finally woke up to crowing of the people of the facts in our streets deserted, the people wanted to overthrow the regime! Indeed, he has landed some of the biggest tyrants, and the most Oouhchha has not fallen yet. But the system of ruling regimes, until yesterday, and perhaps tomorrow, is falling in the same. The vocabulary of the remainder may remain suspended in the top, and below the vacuum columns Almnkhurp eat one after the other.
If the rulers of loss remaining medieval era, in a second or third or more of the life of this spring, promising the other life, what is the fate of Movernma bygone era, you Istoldon bondage of others, or that spring will bring the production of a society free from the womb of the same community Almzlin humiliated? This question is addressed to the secrets of metaphysics of history, but the greatest secrets are distinctive always wisely obviousness bright, she says that the liberated society is able to detect all the bondage of an emergency it to become more free, and the greatest ability to bear the liability upon the rights of newly acquired. Valamthan structural and appoint him the crucial spring of the year for missing his second year coming, it will be a dual mission: destroy the complete overthrow of the corrupt left, and wait for a society governed: How to also become rulers themselves.
Vctr I of this task, as it was or will be hard to come by but it is to fall even turn into a historic event of the last act; The second part of the task, it means the birth pangs of the community and long-lasting self-government. Internally, it is true, then that freedom from colonialism Alohloa he became the only way leading to the liberation from colonialism, foreign, and not vice versa. Perhaps it was salvation from colonial rule these two together.
Three countries (Egypt, Tunisia and Libya) are engaged to achieve the second task: How can the former convicts to become the rulers themselves and their peers. What is (social contract), which would be compatible to the principles of all factions, who are the real representatives of the term the forces of the working people. Democracy as it is rich in the world their experiences, they generate different with each new experience for a society already lacking something in their conditions of political and cultural heritage. Him permission to re-invent it as if he was the first discovered. Not allowed to reproduce the experience of others, despite the impossibility of this attempt at all. However, the other in the rush to ready-to borrow from manifestations and surface and even from its principles.
What should be too keen on visitors 'spring' and his sons the first criterion for the safety of the editorial process, is the institutionalization of authority to ensure the overall transparency, on the basis of promoting freedom of expression and regulation of all the forces active in the public domain. Valmdkhal the only consecrated heritage of democracy, to form a society of openness, he was embroiled in the principle of openness on the entire political process; so do the various dialogues between the minds and wills, and has produced a spring of Egypt season inaugural Open Society when he invented the 'Tahrir Square' model of the Parliament of the free sustainable.
Not frequented by those who are of the type (s) of the people, it is a microcosm of the people themselves, or intense, published its environs, and through his time, does not separate between the day and night. Will continue to be the People's Parliament. And not representatives of the people or a handful of the term suspicious. Continue for the next phase a solid guarantee for each representative council to preserve the People's secretariat.
'Liberation Square' as opposed to the military fortress. This is the depth of change, is the historical difference really, between the era of tyranny and beyond .. It remains to be a genius every real democracy emerging but is measured by its ability to establish its own parliament, where the ideas associated with the always excel in deeds; the public where the rebels are not acting on their behalf a non-self. Where, for the first time in the process of tyranny Arab face off fateful absolute between the 'castle soldiers' deep-rooted of the eons, and the castle 'Arab Revolt' of renewable and non-fenced but the ranks of compact bodies of young Egyptian vanguard of generations of Arab and global at the same time. Who would have imagined one day that young Atakhy Paris, London and New York with the youth of Cairo, as they shouted the slogan that became a universal voice, the people wanted to overthrow the regime!
Back Q: Who governs? To a central concern of the mind of the first times in his struggle with dams Enduring the outcome of the recent crises, and diagnosed under this provision is frightening: the bankruptcy of liberal economics, or rather the bankruptcy of Western civilization that will not collapse on its own, that has not been the remains of the globe and beyond. This result is horrible re-thinking the Western diagnosis from year to year, but in the threshold current to bid farewell yesterday to tomorrow dark, recognizes some of this thought that the awakening ahead, after all slumber confided in the logic of evolution, but was this time, similar to the solution to the east, from this Arab spring, which became the name and called being circulated so pleased with all the tabs under the pens.
Was it a panacea for the ills illness renewed reminder that the media refuses to cushion the North referred to. While 'Tahrir Square' invents the principle of popular revolution, sustainable, post-democratic elite aging in the West: each square in the city, an Arab village eventually become a candidate to have a their respective fields, when the young man speaks wisdom prohibited, composed of two words: Who Governs?
Arab spring feature that was not only a pioneer in the wisdom of this question was asked, but found the answer directly, and is still busy producing, but the details of the creativity and vocabulary.
The West (formal) to prefer suffocation under the sequelae of its economic crisis, to get out of them one iota, looking for the malady, the name of political culture that almost Tmahoh of documents in circulation. Yes! It is the name of political, not economic, relationship with the ruling of the sentenced.
Alone the streets of the unemployed will return memory politics above the waste economy. It is the difference between yesterday and tomorrow Arabs, at least before the sun sets the world in the 'West'?
Dear West Take wisdom from the ancient homeland: the Middle District in spite of all his executioners and Amoath

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