



mardi 10 janvier 2012

Publicity (advertising) commercial where ?

Publicity associated with the commercial economies of the developed Western countries, which is lagging behind the creation of profit and consumer market is large and fierce competition between companies, and are used purely utilitarian ways to impose their presence and to achieve hegemony in the framework of monopoly capitalism.
Commercial advertising relies on high technologies and advanced methods, and supervised by the technical efficiency of their advertisers and configuration of solid scientific studies-strong social, psychological, and accurate knowledge of the recipient's needs and desires and Meulath. This is done in an environment of freedom, which makes them even methods of excitement and focus on the instincts and go out for moral values, because it deals with the recipient as a consumer, and continue with him for the lure to purchase the item and dedication to get more of them, and create a response police have, After you install the correlation between consumption and happiness in Ashaoura.
And produces several negative publicity affecting the business community in the values ​​and behavior, falls victim to alienation of the individual and the pressure of advertising messages that occur appetites for consumption, although the income may be limited, causing a tension and make him feel sad for not being able to purchase. And this situation increases the complexity of his family who may have pressed for it to meet the growing needs of goods. On the other hand prevents commercial advertising without the use of one's mental freedom, to choose the item that fit his desires, especially that many of the goods of high quality and appropriate price not covered by the advertising business.
Clear, then, that the prevailing commercial advertising in the liberal countries have an economic dimension, and establish a culture of consumption is far from a purely moral values. This letter is not commensurate with advertising our Arab and Islamic culture and its authority as the original, which seeks to serve the human physical and spiritual level and impose a declaration of commercial, within the framework of ethics calls for honesty, loyalty, so this item can be announced with a commitment to remembrance the truth about, and highlight the aspects of quality and excellence in the manufacture, mentioning the evidence and the evidence does indicate the sincerity of this claim, with no excessive use of adjectives and colors that appear distinct personality item. In addition to other information concerning its origin and materials made from them, and methods of use, especially if medical items, and should refer to the price and its appropriateness and the conditions of purchase, and to the associated service systems ranging from home for free, and swap and reply, and after maintenance of purchase.
In order not to fall victim to child stimuli unrelated to the educational process, which aims to healthy growth of their personality, you should avoid using them in ads directed at adults, not hiring advertising links at the beginning and the end of the television programs sent to them.
The Declaration on the commodity producing companies compete, it must be done in the framework of principles and objectives of serving the consumer accurately and honestly, objectively informed of the purpose of this item, Viaraf so the properties of positive and negative with the view to avoid the partial results and petty differences. Should also refer to the values ​​that would benefit them and identify centers that are sold. The ultimate goal of this process is to promote the product, and at the same time customer service without breaking the company's good competition.

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